What is complex PTSD?
There are things that happen within our own families and communities that have a long term negative impact. And it’s those things that go on unseen, over many years, that can have a devastating effect on the lives of people who experience them.
Let me introduce you to something called complex PTSD.
The real reason behavioural therapy isn’t working for you.
When you know you’re not coping well with everyday life, you might decide to try behavioural therapy. You might have heard great things about it, and been recommended to try ‘CBT’ (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). You might have many weeks or months of therapy but it still doesn’t seem to make any difference. You do your therapy ‘homework’, yet still feel uncomfortable in some situations.
If therapy isn’t working, you might start to question whether there is any hope for you. Well, I want to reassure you, and give you some clarity about what’s actually going on.
There is a good reason why behavioural therapy isn’t working for you if you’ve experienced trauma.
What counts as traumatic experience?
We’re surrounded by news reports about the tragic things that happen in our world. War, catastrophic floods, hurricanes wiping out entire villages. These things are so devastating we call them ‘traumatic’. We understand that word ‘trauma’ to mean something BIG. ...
The deeper meaning hidden in your intense reactions
If you prefer your life to be simple and uncomplicated, welcome to the club! We all want a straightforward life, where everything makes sense. A life where what happens to us and how we respond is predictable and safe. But for some of us, it doesn’t happen like...
How to cope when you feel abandoned.
The world is often a difficult place to navigate. People say and do hurtful things to each other. Sometimes by accident, and sometimes on purpose. Even those people who should love and support us can sometimes neglect their ‘duty of care’. We can feel bruised and...
Signs you may have trauma and not know about it.
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How to deal with rejection – top tips from a professional actor.
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Crying needs to be normalised!
Most of us have had experiences when we were young of being told “Big boys/girls don’t cry” “Don’t be scared” ‘Wipe away those tears and put on a smile!’ And as we get older that phrasing might change to “Cheer up, it’s not that bad” “Pull yourself together”...
The truth about self-awareness and sensitivity and why you should care.
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You’re not broken: Sensitivity is a Superpower!
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How exploring your past could stop procrastination and accelerate your business success.
It would be wonderful if all our experiences were happy and joyful and nothing bad ever happened to us. Of course, that’s a pipe dream; bad things do happen and we often get hurt. Yet what if we could change how we experienced the traumatic or hurtful things in our...
How a great loss taught me how to find hope and joy through trauma.
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The Art of Taking Up Space
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